The eye is a vital organ. Apart from the fact that it is the organ that helps us visualize things, it is also prominently placed on our faces. This makes it quite conspicuous. As such, anything on it becomes visible to other people. As a result, something such as a bubble on eye can cause anguish on its bearer. We explore what the causes of bubble in eye and under eye could be including gas and clear bubble .
Bubble in Eye, yellow, white water bubble in left eye or right eye
- Bubble in Eye, yellow, white water bubble in left eye or right eye
- Large bubble inside eye, pinguecula
- Allergy and blood eye bubbles
- Clear bubble on eye sclera white part of eye, corner or on eyelid rim, from rubbing
- Bubble under Eye, white, puffy, skin or water bubble under eye
- Gas bubble in eye, after eye surgery, in eye vision and elevation
An eye bubble tends to be a growth which appears on the cornea or the white part of the eyes . There are two types of bubbles on eye; the pinguecula and pterygium. These are almost similar with pingueculas being bigger and taking longer to heal. The causes of bubble on eye are not known but they tend to increase with age. They are very common in persons who spend huge amounts of time outdoors without wearing eye sun protection.

The small eye bubbles are normally tiny and painless. They manifest in the form of small clumps of tiny clear lesions. They can cause you temporary vision changes and occur anywhere on the eye, the cornea included .
Large bubble inside eye, pinguecula
With larger eye bubbles, there may be a gritty feeling that comes with inflammation, a sore feeling and redness. These may be accompanied with a dryness of the eyes. With the pinguecula, you could also experience tiny yellow bumps . These may look like pimples appearing mostly on the eye’s nasal side. This means that they are mostly found on the inner parts of either the left or right eye . They can however appear anywhere on sclera of the eye.
To relieve discomfort in mild cases, eye drops can be used. When the condition is moderate, medicated drops can be used. In case it takes too long to heal, surgical excision of the bubble in eye may be necessary although this only happens in rare cases where healing has been delayed and vision has been extensively affected.
Allergy and blood eye bubbles
At times, allergens can cause bubbles in the eye. The most common are pollen and dust. In case the allergic reactions come with associated irritation, the resulting itch and scratching could lead to formation of a liquid bubble. To avoid this, you should wear sunglasses whenever you are venturing to outdoor areas that are prone to the allergens. Also avoid handling your eyes unless your hands are clean. You can further prevent allergens by using an air purifier at home.

Eye bubbles are very common. However, you should always watch out for unusual bumps, blood traces and soreness in the eyes . In case you are concerned, see an eye doctor to examine the cause of the bubble. This will help in eliminating the possibility of more serious conditions. In case it is, medical treatment will help eliminate it.
Clear bubble on eye sclera white part of eye, corner or on eyelid rim, from rubbing
A clear bubble on eye can be indicative of a conjuctival cyst. This forms at times when there is excessive rubbing of the conjunctiva, which is the clear vascular tissue of the eye. It forms in the same way blisters do on our feet whenever there is continuous rubbing between the skin and shoes. Although these are generally uncomfortable and hard to get rid of, they are harmless. They can be a source of irritation any time you blink your eyes. In most cases, these should get better within 48 hours without any intervention. In case they get worse, become blood shot and extremely itchy, see an eye doctor to have it sorted out.
When you have the cyst, avoid scratching as this will only aggravate it further. The discomfort of it rubbing on the eyelid rim will remain as long as the cyst exists . Do not try to poke under any circumstances. You can make use of artificial tears to help ease the discomfort. In case the cyst does not go away, you may have to have it removed by an eye doctor. Most doctors give their patients at least two weeks to see if the cyst can resolve on its own. If it doesn’t, they will recommend the necessary excision procedure.
Large cysts may require drainage and excision to heal. Before the start of the process, the eye doctor will examine the eye carefully to ensure that no foreign object is trapped in the eye. In case there is nothing, they will proceed with the procedure and get the cyst drained. The procedure is normally painless although the doctor may administer a topical anesthesia. A little bleeding may be experienced in case there is some tampering with the surrounding blood vessels.
Bubble under Eye, white, puffy, skin or water bubble under eye
A bubble under eye can be caused by a number of things. What it could be is mostly determined by its exact location. A bubble on the eye lid’s skin could be a sty. These tend to result from the sebaceous glands getting blocked. As a result, there is some inflammation and pain. With time, this may heal and a lid mass that is not painful left. This will also die with time. In case the skin bubble appears under the lid and on the moist parts of the eye, there is a probability that you are dealing with conjuctival cysts .
A bubble on under the eye around the cheek area could be a fluid filled vesicle . These are most common on the hands in persons suffering eczema but can also occur on the face. Persons suffering from herpes can also get vesicles that appear red. They could also be painful and itchy. To be certain of what bubbles under the eye could be, it is best to contact an eye doctor so that proper diagnosis can be made and relevant treatment proposed.
Gas bubble in eye, after eye surgery, in eye vision and elevation
In some cases, it is normal to have a gas bubble in eye injection after you have had an eye surgery. This is more so if it was meant to correct a retinal detachment. This gas or air bubble is injected into the eyeball. Your head will be positioned in such a way that the bubble floats on the detached area. This way it presses on the detachment lightly to help seal the tear. The bubble is expected to remain for around three weeks until a seal is formed between the eye’s wall and the retina. With time, the eye absorbs the bubble.

It is necessary to remain in the position advised by your doctor during this time. This could be in a lying or sitting position which will help in fast healing and the success of the surgery in the long run. During the time when the gas bubble is present, it is likely that your vision will be poor. As the bubble gets absorbed you will see its edge in your vision.
Avoid flying and travelling to areas that have high elevations as long as you have the bubble. Wait until your doctor says it is alright to do so. In case you will be undergoing any more surgeries with it, let your eye doctor as well as the surgeon know.
what are the basic cure of bubble eye?
I don’t know why they say that ‘they don’t know what causes the bubble’ but in MY CASE – I was simply trying to cut off a limb from a tree. As I twisted the limb with my bare hands I noticed it was still green and tougher to twist and snap. I somehow let the limb go and POW…it came back right at my face literally slapping the right side of the face and injuring my eyeball in the process. I immediately felt the pain and went inside to see the extent of my injury. Days later it was still red and as I examined it closely a ‘bubble’ had formed …. a tiny bubble with a watery substance on the inside?…and many tiny veins (capillaries) surrounding it …. as if trying to begin the healing process. It’s been a few weeks by now and the tiny bubble is still there, even though I cannot feel it and there is no pain or discomfort, I still would like to see it disappear for good :0).
this is a terrible an uninformative page (sorry for being negative).
Please see your GP or optometrist or ophthalmologist rather than relying on the info on this page
Wht should I do with my eye sir
Have a small bubbles with itching sensation in the right eye suddenly what is the remedy