A swollen eyebrow area can change the way you look. Given the conspicuous positioning of the face, there may not be much to conceal it. What could cause a swollen eyebrow bone? We explore this and other related issues such as swollen under or above eye, swollen piercing and many more to see what can be done and how to avoid such situations.
Swollen eyebrow area
- Swollen eyebrow area
- Eyebrow Piercing
- Allergic reactions, sinus and swollen eyebrows
- Hair Removal: waxing and plucking may cause swollen eyebrows
- Infection
- Thyroid problems – Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism
- Swollen Eyebrow Bone after hit
- Swollen under Eyebrow
- Swelling above eyebrow, inflammation, after botox, headache
- Swollen Eyebrow Pimple or Spot on Eyebrow Swollen
- Swollen Eyebrow after Piercing
- Swollen Eyebrow Treatment
A swollen eyebrow involves the area surrounding the eyes. The swelling may be accompanied by irritation, itch and infections. The severity of the swelling depends on its causes. Treatment for a swelling around the eyebrow will also be determined by the cause. Below we explore various causes and their appropriate form of treatment that will help relieve the swelling fast.

Eyebrow Piercing
A piercing on the eyebrow can cause the area around it to swell. This is more so where it develops an infection due to poor aftercare . This results in pain, drainage and bleeding. Where an infection occurs, it might be important to seek the opinion of your piercer to see if you should remove the piercing and how to best take care of the hole so it does not close up.
Allergic reactions, sinus and swollen eyebrows
This is another cause of swollen eyebrow area. Allergic reactions may be accompanied by an inflammation of the sinus . When you use facial and cosmetics products that contain ingredients your skin is sensitive to, a swelling may result. This could be a new brand of eye shadow or eye pencil. Inhaling or getting into contact with things your skin is allergic to could as well cause reactions. With this kind of situation, applying a cold compress will help to soothe the inflammation. In case it does not die out with time, you may have to consult a doctor on the same so they can administer relevant antihistamines.
Hair Removal: waxing and plucking may cause swollen eyebrows
The eyebrow area is made up of hairs which a lot of people use to define their face. Eyebrow hair shaping processes can result in a swollen eyebrow area. You are likely to experience swelling after plucking and waxing of the eyebrows . Shaving can as well result in ingrown hairs which in the end cause formation of bumps and swelling around the affected area.

Where infections are the cause of swelling, the effect could be on one or both eyes. This may manifest itself as plain swelling or in bumps. Other secondary causes of infections on the eyebrow area could be piercings and ingrown hairs. Injuries may also cause swellings. It is therefore not a wonder to have a swelling after getting hit . Where this is the case, refrain from handling the area as this could spread the infection further. Also avoid using hair removal, makeup and facial washes until the infection resolves. Where the infection is fungal, you may notice redness, itching and some elevated patches of plaques. If the infection persists, there may be loss of eyebrow hairs and scarring. Such infections can be treated using antifungal creams. Where they are severe, an oral drug may be administered.
Thyroid problems – Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism
An overactive thyroid results in puffy eyelids, swelling and bulging of the eyes. On the other hand, an underactive thyroid gland affects the growth of body hair. A late sign of hypothyroidism is the thinning of eyebrows. These conditions can cause swelling of the eyebrows as one of the symptoms.
Swollen Eyebrow Bone after hit
A swollen eyebrow bone can result from a number of things. An orbital rim fracture causes swelling to nearby parts of the eye. It is approximated that out of the many traumatic injuries occurring each year in the United States, 85 percent results from accidents, at work, during contact sports and in car crashes . The rest are as a result of violent attacks. Compared to women, men are four times more likely to suffer traumatic eye injuries. In most cases, the injury occurs at home
Another cause for a swelling around the eyebrow bone area could be a sebaceous cyst. With this type of swelling, treatment can be done using a hot compress or a heating pad. This method is effective because it tends to melt the components of the cyst which are mainly hardened deposits of sebum for reabsorption into the body. Place the compress on the swelling for 15 minutes two times daily until the cyst disappears. The compress used should be a sterile one to avoid infections.
Swollen under Eyebrow
A swelling under eyebrow can be as a result of a direct impact subjected to the face. Where the force is too much, it may result in extensive injuries in other facial bones. Where the injury is only limited to the area around the eye, it may as well result in other injuries to it. This includes damage on the eye muscles, optic nerve, the tear duct as well as the sinuses. The injury may be on the upper edge of the eye rim or on the eyes lower rim. All these injuries may result in swelling under the eyebrow.
Swelling above eyebrow, inflammation, after botox, headache
A swelling above eyebrow is mostly a sign of another problem. This could extend to the area around the forehead. In most cases, the condition is not considered serious. The cause may be as a result of skin issues or some internal condition. Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction that results when the skin touches a substance it is sensitive to. These could include fabrics, fragrance, cosmetics or metals. After the contact, the area could itch, become red and swell. To soothe the irritation and treat the swelling, you can make use of topical corticosteroids.
Forehead swelling above eyebrow could result from overexposure to the sun. This can give you serious skin inflammation leading to slight blistering and swelling. For the sunburns to heal, it is necessary for the skin to regenerate new cells. With certain treatments such as aloe vera and cold compresses, the burns can be soothed and the formation of new cells hastened.
The area above the eyebrow is prone to sebaceous cysts. When they form around the forehead, swelling and pain maybe experienced. Sebaceous cysts are small bumps that develop when the sebaceous glands of the skin produce excess sebum. As a result, the oil collects beneath the skin and a cyst is formed. This is what results in some swellings on the eyebrow and eyelid.
Physical injury is yet another cause of swelling above eyebrow. This can be around the forehead and surrounding areas such as the temples and eyelid. This occurs when the area is subjected to trauma leading to the buildup of fluids which is seen as a swelling. With this kind of injury, treating the area with a cold compress will help to reduce swelling. This though should only be used where the injury is minor. Where the swelling is associated with other symptoms such as fever, severe headaches and nausea , medical attention should be sought immediately as these could be indicative of serious internal injuries.
After botox injections on the forehead, it is possible to get complains regarding swellings above the eyebrow from patients. In such cases, this results from a descent of the brow tissue bringing the eyebrow down as well. Once this happens, the thick skin tends to rest lower than normal and thus appear swollen. This should resolve with time.
Swollen Eyebrow Pimple or Spot on Eyebrow Swollen
Where a tiny spot on the eyebrow appears to be swollen, this could be a pimple. These appear on the face when there is an accumulation of dirt, oil and bacteria around the hair follicles. When one has a pimple, it is advisable to resist squeezing it out as this could cause the bacteria to get trapped deeper into the skin. It could also make you to end up with acne marks and scars. Instead, settle for home remedies for pimples as well as over the counter treatments. If you can, avoid using makeup on the pimple. Where you have to, only use a small amount of concealer makeup to avoid piling up more impurities on it.
Swollen Eyebrow after Piercing
Another common instance when the eyebrow swells is after a piercing. Generally, an eyebrow piercing will be experienced within the first week of the procedure. Within this time, it will keep getting better. However, within the eyebrow piercing healing period, infections could occur.

This could result in irritation and swelling. Proper after care should be carried out to avoid this. Also ensure that you only use metals you are not allergic to. The initial piercing ring should remain intact until the area is completely healed. This could take up to eight weeks.
Swollen Eyebrow Treatment
The form of treatment given to a swollen eyebrow depends on a number of things. Where the cause is an injury resulting from trauma, some suturing may need to be done in case the injury is severe. Where it is minor, some topical treatment will be. This can be acquired over the counter or one can make use of home remedies. Swellings as a result of sinus problems, piercings or contact dermatitis require the treatment of the underlying cause if they are to be eliminated.
I got hit by a IPhone right on my eyebrow and now it is swollen what can I do to make it go down before I go back to school tomorrow
I’m swollen above the eye lid. it puff out. I need a solution.
My upper eye swell what treatment i will do.
My upper eybrow was swollen what treatment will i do.thanks.or home remidies
Hahahhahaha a guy dropped his phone on his face HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAAHHAHHAHHAHHAHA
That is not very nice I got hit wit with hard metal and my eye is swallen so how do you think you will feel if your eye was swallen so plz be more kind to people that was not very nice so plz say I am sorry to that person who you said haha to that person I have a swallen eye to
I have swelling under eyebrow and eyelid is red on left eye. I have contact dermatitis and dry eye already. I wear a lot of diff eye makeup but its one eye.
6 years ago I had a staph infection from bioalcamid non fda injectible.
I dont know whether to use ice or heat today.
Put some refreshment menthol toothpaste on effect area and deck with a ice cube in plastic…
Hey I just got my eyebrow pierced and it is getting pretty swollen what can I do to help the swelling go down ?????
I got bitten by a mosquito under my eyebrow and it won’t go away
Anyone out there know something about the little ETs that made homes over my eyelids?
Haven’t found anything in the way of descriptions or photos that correspond to my “condition,”
described as follows:
Two small(ish) swellings, one over each eye (two eyes, last count) — they are soft to the touch, and very pale in comparison to my skin tone. They are located below my brows, but above my eyelids, at the corners closest to my nose (one nose, last count).
No injuries or illness prior to onset, but I do have sinus reactions to environment-based allergies.
The swellings appeared overnight (-ish), simultaneously.
Anyone know whether thyroid, high blood pressure or cholesterol control meds can be the source?
I’ve been on the same (3) class of meds for years without this reaction, so thinking I can rule these out as possible cause.
Can’t blame the cats, since they have a direct hotline to P.E.T.A.’s Complaint Unit– and, I’m already on record for making very bad choices in my selection of their given names.
Would be most appreciative of any info, insight or opinions you can offer — dialogue from
“Mars Attacks” included. Thanks, Fellow Babies.
I get my eyebrows swollen after sleeping please give me help